1 Yacht Club Dr.
Clines Corners, NM
I think the people at Clines Corners have a sense of humor. The “town” consists of one building (the travel center/ gas station) with an address of 1 Yacht Club Drive (you would try in vain to find the Yacht Club here). One of the attractions of Clines Corners is that it is so isolated, yet being on the old Route 66 and now Interstate 40 it never lacks customers at its one-stop gas station and travel center (which is open 24 hours).
The fudge factory is one of the more popular attractions at the Travel Center, selling its own brand of fudge for a devoted clientele (including my cousins who brought me a sample of the Clines Corners candy). The candy here is travel worthy, apparently being well able to withstand high temperatures and long distances without melting or losing its original flavor.

Butter pecan fudge
My idea of fudge did not include Butter Pecan, but I am always surprised what I can learn about food. This is a very rich candy that has the consistency of fudge but with the flavor of butter. For me it brought back memories of when I was in Wisconsin and first encountered the local butter which looked good enough that you could cut off a piece and eat it like a piece of cheese (and it was that good). The difference with the “fudge” version, of course, is that it is sweet and made for you to eat it as it is.
In any case, I was not only pleasantly surprised by the butter pecan, but I hope to try the regular fudge as well.
Best fudge I ever ate
Omg ! So good