Thai Pepper–Fort Collins, CO

REVIEW FROM Steve’s Gastronomic Home Page (2003-2011)

Thai Pepper
109 E. Laurel
Fort Collins, CO
(970) 221-3260

Fort Collins has a greater potential for finding good ethnic food than most towns its size because of the presence of Colorado State University and a relatively diverse population. The restaurant listings in the telephone directory indicated that there were a number of Chinese, Thai, and Japanese restaurants, so it was somewhat hard to decide which one to try.

Some local people in town recommended Thai Pepper near the CSU campus. This was known as a popular lunch hangout for students and one of the few Asian restaurants that specialized in vegetarian food, which I was seeking.

The restaurant was small and the somewhat old storefront building had been spruced up a little bit by Thai decor. Although I could not escape the feeling that it would feel quite cramped when a rush of students were dining there, it was quite comfortable the time I went when school was not in session.

The menu was extensive but my experience with Thai food was rather limited in 2003 when I first started writing restaurant reviews. I tried the Ginger Tofu because it was my “go to” vegetarian Thai dish. It was not as impressive as ones I had eaten in Seattle, but there could be various reasons for this. Either they omitted the critical fish sauce because I asked for it to be vegetarian or it was just not as good a version as others I had tried. Unfortunately, now that I have more knowledge about the dish I cannot go back and use it to evaluate meals of which I only have a distant memory. I did think the dish was good, though.

The Peanut Sauce I sampled was quite good, and in fact one of the best I have tried. I look for a complex Thai flavor such as the ones I have tried in Seattle, as opposed to ones which are thin, runny, and flavorless. I know this is vague but when you try a good peanut sauce you will know it. There were many I tried in Seattle that were not as good as the one here.

I think any rating I give to the restaurant is mostly an educated guess based on a couple of items. Based on the peanut sauce, though, I would say there is the possibility Thai Pepper is quite good. I would certainly be open to trying it again.

Cuisine: Thai
Cost: $
Most Recent Visit: Jul. 26, 2003
Number of Visits: 1


Asian Food Details
Tea: Jasmine (bags)
Buffet: N/A


Special Ratings
star 5 Peanut Sauce

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